From C to C

7+1 points to consider if you leave
Consulting to become a C-suite leader

It is now commonplace for a consultant to leave consulting for a top management
position in an industry. Such a switch offers its own challenges. Moreover, these
challenges should be known to those as well who think about hiring someone with
a background in consulting. Whatever makes it a bit special for an ex-consultant to
cope with a management role, it is better if both these people and their bosses are 
prepared to handle it.

A personal note: years ago, I switched sides after a decade in consulting (with McKinsey,
my own firm and PwC) to work in organizations like OTP Bank, BNP Paribas and MFB, the
Hungarian Development Bank. So I gathered some of my own experiences in the hope of
helping a wider audience with these 7+1 points.


Tamás Bernáth